
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2024 )


匹配条件: “Rosman Bin Abdul Halek” ,找到相关结果约24910条。
Ergonomic Risks on Driver’s Posture Interface  [PDF]
Rosman Bin Abdul Halek, Arun Dev, Kew Hong Chew, Mohammed Abdul Hannan
Open Journal of Safety Science and Technology (OJSST) , 2023, DOI: 10.4236/ojsst.2023.131001
Abstract: This research paper presents a study and analysis on the existence of ergonomic risks to drivers while sitting in the vehicle seat for prolonged periods in static posture during driving of a vehicle. The main aim of this research article is to understand and prove the hypothesis on the existence of ergonomic risks of drivers in the sitting static posture in the vehicle. The vehicle in the study here is a car. Test subjects are samples, for the field experiments at the three percentiles namely the 5th, 50th and 90th percentile range of drivers in Singapore. The demographic parameters for the test subjects identified for the purpose of this research encompass the gender, age range and competency level. The dependent variable use for this research is driver posture whilst the independent variable used is the
Jurassic-Cretaceous Stratigraphy of Malaysia  [PDF]
Mat Niza Bin Abdul Rahman
Open Journal of Geology (OJG) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/ojg.2019.910070
Abstract: In Peninsular Malaysia, the Jurassic-Cretaceous sequences are represented by continental deposits in several isolated basins. Generally, the sequences are characterised by the fining upward sequences, comprising reddish brown to red siltstone, sandstone and conglomerate often interpreted as molasse sequences. In Sabah and Sarawak, the Jurassic-Cretaceous sequences are represented by the marine deposits comprising argillaceous, some arenaceous and calcareous rocks and associated chert, lava, and pyroclastics.
A Multiple Regression Analysis on Influencing Factors of Urban Services Growth in China  [PDF]
Yuan Gao, ABDUL Razak bin Chik
Technology and Investment (TI) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/ti.2013.41B001
Abstract: The indicator of urban success is the success of its urban services. Although much research on services have been made, there is major gap with regard to the regional services, especially on urban services within a country. As for urban ser-vices, there are few research on factors influencing urban services and its effect on regional growth. In reaction to this, the government intend to accelerate the development of urban services and regional economy in the present Twelfth Five-Year Plan 2011-2015.Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors that influence urban servic-es growth from demand , supply, institutional environment and spatial agglomeration side. By using cross-section mul-tiple regression analysis, the study examine the factors influencing urban services growth in China .The model indicated that except for urbanization, division of labor , other independent variables have contributed positively towards urban services growth in China.
The Effect of Urban Services Development on Regional Economic Growth in China ——Based on Provincial Panel Data Analysis  [PDF]
Yuan Gao, ABDUL Razak bin Chik
Technology and Investment (TI) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/ti.2013.41B002
Abstract: The indicator of urban success is the success of its urban services. Although much research on services have been made, there is major gap with regard to the regional services, especially on urban services within a country. As the Chinese government intends to accelerate the development of urban services and regional economy in the present Twelfth Five-Year Plan 2011-2015, the main purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of urban services development on regional growth. By using panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2001-2011 and through GLS estimation of the ran-dom effect panel data model, it is found that the growth of urban services performed rather well in promoting regional economic growth of all of the three regions in China. But the promoting role of urban services on regional economic growth in this three regions were different among which, the role of urban services in eastern region were strongest , followed by central region and weakest in Western region.
The Impact of Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Loyalty towards Speech Therapy in Health Science Industry Malaysia  [PDF]
Masri bin Abdul Lasi, Tan Cheng Man
American Journal of Industrial and Business Management (AJIBM) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/ajibm.2020.109100
Abstract: Speech therapy is provided to clients, students or patients, depending on the setting of service delivery, when they are encountering feeding, speech and language (communication) and swallowing difficulties. Speech therapy service is a business-to-consumer (B2C) setting. However, this industry received low public awareness in Malaysia. With enhanced and right marketing strategy, it is believed to promote effective brand loyalty, including revisit of therapy service and repurchase of therapy product. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of five different marketing strategies in building sustainable brand loyalty considering uniqueness of this industry. The strategies are conducting promotion about pricing structure (Price Promotion), conducting promotion about product content, brand personality, packaging and others (Product Promotion), conducting promotion at different places, including electronic platforms, newspaper and others (Place Promotion), bundling different pricing structure according to nature and type of different products (Product Price), informing customer regarding pricing about goods bundle, payment method, price flexibility and others through several distribution channels (Place Price). Data collection in this quantitative study was done by distributing self-designed questionnaires to 200 respondents. They are given Likert scale to measure the degree of brand loyalty result from different marketing mix. Data was analyzed using SPSS. The findings revealed that the marketing mix has a positive relationship with brand loyalty in speech therapy health science industry in Malaysia. In details, there is relationship between marketing mixture of Price Promotion, Product Promotion, Place Promotion, Product Price and Place Price, with the brand loyalty. It is recommended for future researcher to study the link between the number of service or product accessed with brand loyalty within similar constructs. It is also recommended to study the relationship between Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) and Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) with brand loyalty in speech therapy industry in Malaysia.
Liability for Injury Resulting from a Premise: A Study on Who Will Be Liable for it in Islamic Law of Tort, Lebanon Civil Code and Sudan Transaction Civil Code
Abdul Basir Bin Mohamad
The Social Sciences , 2013, DOI: 10.3923/sscience.2012.753.756
Abstract: Tort wrongs can exist either through the acts of human beings or inanimate beings including premises. If an injury or death has occurred resulting from a building or premise, its owner or possessor should be identified. Who is actually liable in such a case, its real owner only or including its possessor? This is the aim of this study that is to recognize the party, whom should be put the burden of liability for injury caused by the premises. Islamic law primarily takes care of this matter and it can be seen that all Muslim jurists of Sunni schools discussing it in their study. Likewise, it has been codified into Lebanon and Sudan civil codes. Islam gives permission that every person can own and possess houses and buildings; however, he is required to maintain and look after them properly so that his houses and buildings not causing any risk to others. This study is written through arm-chaired research. As a result, after recognizing who should be liable for this case, the claim of compensation should easily be made and optimistically peace and harmony will establish in the society.
Interest in Land and Right of Occupation in Western Tort Law on Private Nuisance: An Islamic Tort Law Perspective
Abdul Basir Bin Mohamad
International Business Management , 2012, DOI: 10.3923/ibm.2011.357.365
Abstract: In private nuisance, the central idea is that of interference with the enjoyment of the Plaintiff s land generally speaking by the defendant s causing some sort of deleterious invasion of it for example by noise, smell, smoke, fumes, gas, vibration, water or chattels. Wrongful interference with the exercise of an easement, profit or other similar right affecting the use and enjoyment of land also come within the rubric of private nuisance. The Plaintiff who is entitled to sue in this case must prove that he/she has interest in land involved and also has a right of occupation. The basis of the law of nuisance is the legal maxim; sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas which means a man must not make such use of his property as unreasonably and unnecessarily to cause inconvenience to his neighbor. The main aim of this research is to explore in Islamic law the foundation and basis for legal action in private nuisance, especially in cases relating to immoveable property. Is the foundation in the Islamic law concurrent with the Western law? This study is written through arm-chaired research. As an outcome of this study, it could be perceived that the foundation of legal action in private nuisance based on interest in land and right of occupation is not entirely alien in the Islamic law of tort.
Keratan Emas
Ali bin Abdul Rahman
Matematika , 1985,
Abstract: Nombor bukan-nisbah yang paling biasa digunakan ialah pai dan e, mungkin kerana masing-masing tersirat dalam banyak kejadian alam. Di dalam kertas ini, satu lagi nombor bukan-nisbah, yang mungkin setanding dengan pai dan e, diperkenalkan. Sifat-sifat istimewanya dan perwakilan-perwakilan lain baginya dinyatakan. Seterusnya, beberapa kemunculannya dibincangkan.
Wayang Kulit Kelantan: The Challenges Between Traditional and Digital Media
Dahlan Bin Abdul Ghani
- , 2012, DOI: https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ARIS.2012.v24.n1.38048
Abstract: Resumen Traditional Malay theatre arts such as Wayang Kulit Kelantan or Shadow Play puppet Kelantan in Malaysia has been a form of entertainment. Unfortunately, this shadow play puppet has lost it touch and is slowly fading among the society in Malaysia. This paper will focus both on the traditional method and the animation method to create Kelantan shadow play 3D visualization digital puppetry. The paper will begin with some research on previous work related to traditional shadow play puppet and will name some efforts made to digitizing this type of performance. The paper will also look into the results of comparing the two techniques. The final section of the paper will attempt to highlight the challenges and future aspects of animation and traditional shadow play that would be significant in helping bring back the popularity of this Malaysian performing arts masterpiece
The Closer Bridge towards Islamic Studies in Higher Education in Malaysia and Indonesia  [PDF]
Abd. Rachman Assegaf, Abd. Razak Bin Zakaria, Abdul Muhsein Sulaiman
Creative Education (CE) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2012.326149
Abstract: The transformations of Islamic higher education in Indonesia have occurred since the establishment of STI to PTAIN, then IAIN and UIN. It has tremendous impact on the implementation of models of Islamic studies. At early stage of development, Islamic higher education in this country tends to follow a normative-idealistic approach of Islamic studies due to the huge influences of many Middle Eastern graduates. However, changes of Islamic studies approach come to exist when the Western graduates bring non-scriptualistic methodologies and multidisciplinary approach in Islamic studies. If compared to Malaysia, the two poles of Eastern or Western and Islamic or non-Islamic higher education types have been integrated with the paradigm of Islamization of knowledge. Recent development indicates that Malaysian and Indonesian universities have intensified their mutual cooperation through U to U or G to G Memorandum of Understanding. There are several ways of encounters, namely teacher (or lecturer) and student exchanges, literature line, bilateral cooperation, and informal factors. With the closer link between the two people of these countries, the bonds between Islamic studies connecting the two countries have become closer.

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